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HIGH GEAR journal is a publication of the Gay Educational and Awareness Resources (GEAR) Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio. It is distributed free of charge in any establishment, and with any organization, that will permit distribution. We are a non-profit publication, and all proceeds not used to pay printing costs and service fees are set aside for the use of the GEAR Foundation's Community Center.

The presence of the name or picture or other representation of an organization, place of business, or person(s) in HIGH GEAR is not necessarily indicative of the sexual orientation of such organizations, businesses, or persons, and may not be used as evidence of the sexual orientation of any contributors.

We welcome all contributions of written materials, art work, or photography by members of the gay community. All materials submitted for publication are subject to editorilization. We cannot guarantee the return of materials submitted for publication, whether used by HIGH GEAR or not, unless it is accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Anyone interested in working on the staff of HIGH GEAR should inquire by calling 696-5330, or write to HIGH GEAR STAFF, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio 44101.

Businesses or oragnizations wishing to advertise in HIGH GEAR may obtain advertising rate sheets and other information by calling 696-5330, or writing to Advertising, HIGH GEAR, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio, 44101.

The deadline for HIGH GEAR publication dates is as follows: Advertising by the 30th of every month, camera-ready and composition ads.

Written material by the 5th of every month. News items until publication.

HIGH GEAR is available at bars, baths, universities, businesses and elsewhere the second Friday of every month.

vd HIGH GEAR is copyrighted under federal law. Any reproduction of its contents is prohibited unless either written or verbal permission is obtained.

Managing Editors...

Advertising Coordinator.

Art Direction



.John Nosek, Leon Stevens .Matt Phillips

Rudolf Haaken

David Holleb, Chris Jacobson, Studio Two, John Vogel.

General Staff ...

Don Avery, Peter Barrosse, Tom Eville. Rudolf Haaken, David Holleb, Jerry Juszcyk, John Kline, Marc Lewis, Mitchell Manigu, Donna Minkler, Albert Morrill, Matt Phillips, A.R., William Reeve, Anne Ritchey, James Stuehr, Irene Zenska. Published by The Gay Educational and Awareness Resources Foundation. Distribution........ Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland Hts., Columbus, Dayton, Kent, Lima, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown.


It is the editorial policy of High Gear to ban sexism in the content of this journal and to discourage it in advertising. We wish to emphasize that sexism should NOT be confused with sexuality. High Gear does not oppose the exposure of nudity so long as this exposure is objectified by an aesthetic rendering. We feel this is necessary to center attention on the beauty of the human body

without promoting a single monotonous physical type, more specifically, a male figure with an exaggerated musculature and genitalia.

The editors of this paper subscribe to the philosophy expressed in the feature article on page 7. We welcome debate or discussion of any aspect of sexuality and will publish such, so long as it is relevant to the gay community.



CLEVELAND Coordinator of Admiral Security Systems, Mary Todeci, 24, is the only woman director of a security exchange in the state of Ohio. Her service presently provides protection for Cleveland's W. 32nd St. Club Baths and the Bayou Landing. A private investigator for Cuyahoga County Courts as well, Todeci received a diploma in Ohio Criminal and Law Justice from Case Western Reserve University. She became involved with police work on a challenge from a male security guard friend who claimed "a woman I could never pass a police course."

That was four years ago, and today she has earned the respect not only of those on the force but also from county and city jail personnel. "They like the way carry myself. When they put me on an assignment, I get the job done right. I've never had any animosity directed because against me I'm a woman. Most of the men seem pleased with my work. They see a serious woman, genuinely interested in what she's striving for."


Dear Editors:

I am a native of Akron who has turned into a very frustrated individual after being forced into spending the past eight months in the small, farm community, John Birch Society of Marion, Indiana! During my trip back to Akron last month, I made several stops in at the American Hotel and for the first time picked up a copy of your paper. It was like a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stagnant life! It's been the only contact I've had with the gay community since my move to Indiana, and that hasn't been of my own choosing!

Since I appreciate any contact I can get, I would like to receive your paper through the mail. Please consider my check enclosed a small token of my appreciation for this service. It means a lot! Good luck publication!



Sincerely, B. Koziol

Dear Editors: Among last month's letters you had one from a woman who said we should not call minority cultures "sub-cultures." I agree. with her in principle. Even though each culture attempts to maintain its separate identity, all of them can't help but overlap into one major mainstream. Take Gore Vidal for example. He's an open political gay; yet his new book 1876 has nothing to do with gays and everything to do with American history. Is he then part of the gay culture or the American Literary Guild? The same goes for Truman Capote and others. Neat

What Todeci specifically strives for is a full-time profession as a lawyer. Beginning this. fall she plans to finish her undergraduate studies at CWRU and continue legal work at Marshall Law School at CSU.

Admiral's security agency which operates from 1856 Beham in Mayfield Hts. is "run

categories and divisions do not always fit in the overall scheme of things.


The prefix "sub" implies under or below essentially inferior to the greater whole. As such we should declare the use of "sub-culture" inoperative. But then what do we use in its place? When does a gay culture (or any other for that matter) stop being strictly gay and part of the mainstream? True, no sub-cultures exist; but a potpourri of multi-colored distinct units which blend into one do!

Dear Editor:


Frank Krenshaw

Could you please tell me where the High Gear Journals are distributed in the Case Western Reserve University area? I also would like to know where I could purchase the books reviewed in your journal, specifically, "P.S. Your Cat is Dead" and two others by James Kirkwood mentioned in the January issue. Also, "A Single Man" by Christopher Isherwood. I'd be very grateful for the information.

Dear B.K.:


High Gear is distributed at CWRU's Thwing Hall in the literature rack of the main entrance, in the Medical School! lobby near the Med. School library, at the Law School in the lower stairwell landing, at both entrances of the Cleveland Institute of Art, and at RSVP at the corner of Euclid and Mayfield.

All books reviewed in High Gear are either available or can be ordered through Coventry Books at 1824 Coventry Road in Cleveland Hts, 932-8111.

MARCH 1976

like a police force; all the men are trained." At the Bayou and Club Cleveland Todeci's crew provides an environment where no one is harmed either leaving or entering the premises. All parked cars are also under continuous surveillance to prevent break-ins by local vandals. To date at the Baths in January, 37 arrests were made (mostly attempted car break-ins that didn't succeed). This dropped down to 14 arrests in February. Obviously, her crackdown shows effectiveness, as word is getting around the neighborhood hoods that breaking and entering near the Baths is no easy task.

Todeci claims that Cleveland police do not hassle area gays. "You know," she says, "gay people are the most law-abiding group that exists. You rarely hear of gays murdering or robbing others. It seems the only real crimes gays are ever involved in are those where they're the objects of some straight person's hang-ups. Now that Todeci in charge, even that's unlikely to happen anymore.


Gypsy's Raffle


CLEVELAND Restaurant at 2418 St. Clair in Cleveland recently gave the National Foundation of the March of Dimes a $55 donation. A Feb. 5 drawing featured a first prize of two Bette Midler concert tickets and a second prize of two personalized T-Shirts from Studio Two. Lloyd Pease of Cleveland was the recipient of the first prize. Proceeds from the raffle were submitted to the local chapter of the March of Dimes.

Oven Productions Equinox

CLEVELAND The Greater Cleveland non-profit women's troupe, Oven Productions, which features members of C.A..L.F.A. and others, is planning a Spring Equinox Celebration on March 20 from noon to five and eight to midnight at the Unitarian Society, 2728 Lancashire Rd. in Cleveland Hts.

The celebration is open to both women and men and tickets good for whole day are available for $3.00 in advance (call 371-1697) or $3.50 at the door. An arts and crafts show plus various workshops are presently planned for the afternoon. Poetry reading and live music will entertain those attending the evening session.